This mini-book is a chapter from my soon-to-be-released book, African Plains and Texas Hill Country Safaris.

Victory Aoudad in the Trans Pecos details the romance and drama of hunting in the sparely populated hills and canyons of West Texas. West Texas is a special place as few people leave without a deep desire to return to the clean air, solitude and beauty of the Trans Pecos.

Victory Aoudad in the Trans Pecos


Few modern hunters have had the privilege of hunting wild uncontained feral buffalo and aoudad during the same hunt but we did that during this hunt. Adam Johnson masterminded this hunt several years before he proposed it to me one night around my brother’s Brindle Canyon Ranch firepit as enflamed splinters were lifted towards the Milky Way. His background as the first big name cage fighter adds an interesting insight into hunting the high and dry desert. Adam’s plan concluded with a spectacular final victory against my twenty year war with the aoudad. For this, I am eternally grateful.


Hunting Comancheria: The Longest Safari


Ballistics and Bullets for Plains Game